Everyone thinks that Hannah Allen is lucky, but what they don’t realise is that her escape from a serial killer ten years ago has come at a price. In the wake of her ordeal, Hannah has rebuilt her life but only those close to her really know how much Hannah is haunted by the man who stole her innocence as a teenager.
Set in the aftermath of Hannah’s nightmarish abduction, Lucky Number 11 explores the long-lasting effect of trauma and the constant battle victims face for survival. The brutal ignorance of mainstream and social media is examined and the role it plays in exacerbating trauma and putting victims at greater risk.
I have read Jess Kitching’s previous novels, and she has gone from strength to strength with each one. As usual, Jess delivers a nail-biting suspenseful story, but she offers so much more than that. Jess holds a mirror up to the way people treat each other in our society and the reflection isn’t pretty. Victim blaming, bullying and misogyny are themes she explores in her work and the insidious ways they become an accepted part of our society.
Lucky Number 11 is a thrilling novel that kept me guessing right to the end. An examination of crime as entertainment, and the stories we choose to listen to and those that go unheard.
